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Betting and Gambling Blog

High Quality Guest Posts and Editorial links for Publishers and Agencies

We will publish your guest post on our betting and gambling blog website or we can write a guest post for you. It is a great way for you to increase your exposure to your target market and generate quality traffic to your or your client’s websites.

All guest posts are shared on our Twitter (3k+ followers) and Facebook (22k+ followers) pages. Links are do-follow, permanent, natural and not labelled with “sponsored”, “guest post” or similar.

Guest Posting

We aim to publish your guest post or editorial link within 2 hours but at busy times this can take longer.  Your guest post will be featured on our homepage after publishing. We accept guest posts that are well written, engaging and unique with a minimum of 800 words and at least one copyright-free picture, we can add pictures if you require. Guest posts can have up to 2 do-follow links, but these must be beneficial and relevant to the reader and content and should also include 2 additional authority links. Authors’ Bio’s are allowed with links, but these must be to the author’s website, Twitter handle or blog only.

Guest PostSample Post

We do not publish adult, dating or escort related posts or links.

Get a mention on an existing (already indexed into Google!) article for a lower cost than writing a guest post, your link is placed in an existing high-quality relevant article. Editorial links can be placed on most articles except any pages under the case studies section. You provide the anchor text, and the target URLs and choose the article for your placement or we can choose one for you.

Standard Link

We do not publish adult, dating or escort related posts or links.

Blog Post Writing and Publishing

We will write and publish your 600-word guest post with the relevant authoritative links on your chosen topic. Our editorial team will create the perfect blog post which relates both to our audience and includes a natural in-content editorial style link mention to your clients page and we will add authority links.

Standard Guest Post

We do not publish adult, dating or escort related posts or links.

We will publish your link in the righthand column of our homepage. we will add these to our homepage.

3 Months Placement
3 Months Placement
6 Months Placement
6 Months Placement
12 Months Placement
12 Months Placement

Premium links include CDB, Forex, Trading, Gambling, Bitcoin and Essay Writing.

Here’s What Clients Say